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THOUSANDS of Schooling Redfish in Nueces Bay (Corpus Christi Tx)
Chasing schooling Redfish in Corpus Christi Texas (Limits!)
Up Close *Redfish school* in Corpus Christi's Nueces Bay!
Chasing SCHOOLS of redfish under birds (LIMIT)
Corpus Christi/Nueces Bay fishing for Trout and Reds
Redfish *EVERYWHERE* in Corpus Christi's Nueces Bay Marsh!
Welcome to Redfish HEAVEN (Corpus Christi, TX)
Fishing Corpus Christi, Nueces back bay marsh. **REDFISH FEEDING FRENZY**
Welcome to Redfish SANCTUARY (Corpus Christi TX)
Nueces Bay Marsh Kayak Fishing Very Windy and Low Tide Redfish Corpus Christi Texas
Sight casting schools of Redfish at the Jetties! (Catch and Cook)** Fish Pass Corpus Christi Texas
Portland, TX Fishing in Nueces Bay Area. Got some good FISH!!